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Ivory Coast abundant rains could boost cocoa mid-crop, farmers state

Mainly aboveaverage rains recently in most of Ivory Coast's major cocoa regions augur well for a strong surface of the ApriltoSeptember midcrop, farmers stated on Monday.

The world's top cocoa manufacturer remains in its rainy season, which runs formally from April to mid-November. Rains are typically abundant throughout this period.

Farmers in general across the country stated the weather condition was in line with their expectation.

Farmers said a lot of little and average pods presently on trees would guarantee abundant harvest from August if the weather condition remained great in July.

Cocoa farming needs a mix of regular rains and sunshine. Farmers said the sun would be an essential factor throughout the next weeks for the development of the crop as an absence of enough sun could trigger illness in plantations.

We're well on the way to having lots of cocoa from August onwards. But we'll need enough sun, stated Antoine Yavo, who farms near the southern area of Agboville, where 84.2 millimetres (mm) fell recently, 20.3 mm above the five-year average.

In the western area of Soubre, where rains were below average, in the southern of region of Divo and in the eastern area of Abengourou, where rains were above average, farmers said beans from the bush were of substantial volume however the harvest could be plentiful in August and September if rains were abundant in July.

In the centre-western area of Daloa and in the main area of Bongouanou, where rains were below par last week, and in the central area of Yamoussoukro, where rains were above average, farmers stated the level of wetness was sufficient to boost the output.

Climate condition are improving. We hope it will continue to drizzle so that the trees can produce a lot, stated Emile Kadio, who farms near the main region of Yamoussoukro, where 41.1 mm fell last week, 11.1 mm above the average.

The weekly average temperature throughout Ivory Coast varied from 25.3 to 28.7 degrees Celsius.

(source: Reuters)