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8 apprehended after climate activists breach German airport

German police arrested eight environment activists who breached the grounds of Munich airport on Saturday, briefly triggering the airport to close and causing around 60 flight cancellations throughout a busy holiday weekend.

6 of the activists glued themselves to a runway, a cops spokesperson stated, adding the scenario was now under control, with both of the airport's runways open for arrivals and departures.

Environment group Last Generation, which has performed comparable protests in the past, stated it was accountable for the action in a series of posts on X showing members on what appeared to be a. runway or tarmac with protest signs.

The group later stated 6 individuals had seated themselves. on airport asphalt at 4:45 a.m. regional time (0245 GMT) to obstruct. airplanes, and it criticised Berlin for subsidising airline companies at the. cost of rail.

Issue is the government, not our vacation, one of the. signs check out.

Germany's interior minister, Nancy Faeser, stated security. measures at the airport would be reviewed.

Such criminal actions threaten air traffic and harm climate. protection due to the fact that they only trigger contempt and anger, she. wrote on X.

The wrongdoers must be intensely pursued, she said.

Germany's transport minister, Volker Wissing, said brand-new laws. were needed to punish such actions as criminal, with as much as 2. years in jail. Current laws classify them as small offenses.

An airport spokesperson said the airport had been totally. near takeoffs and landings for almost 2 hours. Some 11. flights had actually been diverted, around 60 had actually been cancelled, and. delays were still possible, the individual stated.

The interruption happened during one of the busiest travel. periods for the airport in southern Germany, second just to the. Easter holidays, according to the airport.