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Italy sees record need for brand-new green bond ahead of ECB cut

Italy's Treasury has actually seen record demand for a brand-new green bond it launched on Tuesday as attractive Italian note returns tempted investors ahead of an anticipated rate cut in June by the European Reserve Bank.

The Treasury sold 9 billion euros ($ 9.7 billion) of a new green BTP bond growing Oct. 30, 2037, which drew last orders over 84 billion euros from institutional financiers, lead managers stated.

The need compares to a previous record of over 80 billion euros in the very first green BTP bond issuance in March 2021, stimulated by the growing appeal of environmentally-friendly assets. Demand ranged from around 40 billion to 55 billion euros in the three following green BTP bond positionings in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Maurizio Gozzi, head of Fixed Earnings & & SSA DCM Italy at Credit Agricole CIB, said a number of elements lagged Tuesday's. success, such as financiers' cravings for appealing Italian bond. yields, a political situation perceived as not uneasy, a. stable outlook for rating agencies, and the deficiency of green. properties.

Put everything together and you have the winning. mix, he stated.

Markets have up until now this year revealed a healthy hunger for. Italian bonds, in an advantage for Rome's efforts to manage its big. stack of public financial obligation, proportionally the second-largest in the. euro zone after Greece.


Last week Italy sold more than 11 billion euros in a brand-new. 6-year BTP Valore bond intended exclusively at retail financiers. Nevertheless, this was considerably listed below the record 18.3 billion. euros it attracted February from a comparable note.

Last orders at more than 80 billion euros for a 9 billion. size is still a success and shows the beauty of Italian. debt, not questioned by the outcome of the BTP Valore concern last. week, said Christopher Dembik, senior financial investment consultant at. Pictet AM.

The closely-watched differential, or spread, in between. Italian and German bond yields narrowed to around 130 basis. points on Tuesday, from nearly 170 basis points in early. January.

Mauro Valle, head of fixed income at Generali Asset. Management, said the spread holding steady regardless of Tuesday's. green bond sale following a sizable bond auction and last week's. retail bond sale meant investors are present and buying the. BTP.

In the year to date, the Treasury has sold around 50% of. medium to long-lasting bonds of its 2024 issuance target of 360. billion euros, Gozzi said.

The yield on Tuesday's note was set at 9 basis points over. the March 1, 2037 BTP bond, and listed below the preliminary level of 11. bps, lead supervisors added. BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole, Deutsche. Bank, NatWest Markets and UniCredit handled the sale.