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EU sets out rules for external checks on 'green' bonds

The European Union's. securities watchdog on Tuesday proposed rules to guarantee. competitors amongst external customers of green bonds to keep. costs down for issuers.

Green bonds will play a main function in raising billions of. euros to assist the bloc shift to a low carbon economy by. 2050.

The EU authorized voluntary guidelines for business that wish to. problem green bonds last October to give financiers assurance that. the earnings will be spent on tasks that are aligned with the. EU's taxonomy, which specifies sustainable financial investments.

ESMA on Tuesday set out how external reviewers, based inside. or outside the bloc, that inspect if the green bond issuance guidelines. have been abided by, need to be signed up and monitored.

In its propositions, ESMA aims to standardise registration. requirements and contribute to establishing an equal opportunity. through lower entry expenses for applicants, the guard dog said in. a statement.

ESMA's proposals cover elements such as how external. reviewers need to prevent conflicts of interest with the business. whose bonds they are checking, the level of understanding required by. experts at reviewers.

The watchdog said it will consider feedback from the public. assessment before sending its suggestions to the European. Commission for adoption in time for December, when the brand-new green. bond guidelines begin to be applied.

(source: Reuters)