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Japan Nuclear Fuel states reprocessing plant conclusion postponed due to screening procedure

Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited stated on Friday the completion of an underconstruction nuclear fuel reprocessing plant, earlier set for the first half of 2024, will be delayed due to a longerthanexpected evaluating process.

This marks the 27th delay for the plant in northern Japan's. Rokkasho, which began construction in 1993 and was initially. meant to be finished in 1997.

JNFL, co-owned by a number of companies consisting of Tokyo. Electric Power and Kansai Electric Power,. estimates that reacting to the evaluation by the country's nuclear. watchdog, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, will take about a. year, a business representative stated.

A brand-new conclusion target for the plant will be set as early. as Aug. 29 after evaluating the result of the NRA's conference on. Aug. 26, the representative added.

The business is adjusting its strategies to complete the plant by. completion of fiscal year 2026, Asahi newspaper reported on Friday.

The plant passed security examinations by the NRA under new. regulative requirements in 2020, but still needs to obtain style. and construction authorizations.

As soon as finished, the Rokkasho plant will be a key part of the. nation's nuclear fuel cycle, in which invested nuclear fuel is. recycled into plutonium and then recycled in reactors. The. nation does not currently have any operating reprocessing. plants.

Conclusion has actually been postponed lot of times as Japan put. more stringent security policy for the nuclear market into impact. after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power disaster.

(source: Reuters)