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Death toll from rains in southern Brazil climbs to 56, some 70 still missing

The death toll from rains in Brazil's southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul increased to 56, regional authorities said on Saturday early morning, while lots still have actually not been accounted for.

Rio Grande do Sul's civil defense authority stated 67 people were still missing out on and nearly 25,000 had been displaced as storms have actually affected more than half of the 497 cities in the state, which surrounds Uruguay and Argentina.

Floods ruined roads and bridges in a number of regions of the state. The storm likewise triggered landslides and the partial collapse of a dam at a little hydroelectric power plant. A second dam in the city of Bento Goncalves is likewise at risk of collapsing, authorities said.

In Porto Alegre, the capital of Rio Grande do Sul, the Guaiba river broke its banks, flooding streets.

Porto Alegre's global airport has actually suspended all flights for an indefinite period.

State Guv Eduardo Leite informed reporters on Friday night that the death toll might still rise.

More rains could hit the northern areas of the state on Saturday, according to Brazil's National Institute of Meteorology, and authorities advised individuals living in locations at danger to seek shelter elsewhere.