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New England electrical energy demand surges in the middle of heat wave, EIA states

Electrical energy need in New England surged today as high temperatures continued through much of the United States, the Energy Info Administration (EIA). said on Friday.

Demand in New England's Independent System Operator (ISO-NE). electrical grid area reached its highest point on June 20, hitting. 23,324 megawatts (MW) in the evening, almost matching last. year's peak per hour need, the company stated.

This peak was 521 MW greater than the previous day's peak of. 22,803 MW. ISO-NE prepares for reduced need over the upcoming. weekend and early next week as temperatures reduce, EIA added.

To satisfy need, utilities in New England increased their usage. of natural gas, according to the EIA report.

Gas intake in the power sector within ISO-NE. amounted to close to 2.0 billion cubic feet (Bcf) on both June. 19 and 20, as reported by S&P Global Product Insights, the. report stated.

Other regions are also experiencing increased electrical power. demand, EIA stated.

Electricity need in the PJM Affiliation, which covers. a large region from New Jersey to Illinois, peaked at 145,892 MW. on June 20, about the same amount as need on June 19, it. included.

(source: Reuters)