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The crucial states driving the U.S. solar power boom: Maguire

California has long been the dominant gamer in the U.S. solar sector, however its share of nationwide solar electricity output has actually fallen from 100%. in 2003 to under 30% last year, data from the U.S. Energy. Info Administration (EIA) reveals.

That rapid drop in California's solar power share exposes. that other states have actually now built up substantial solar capability. footprints of their own, and are helping to drive the country's. continuous efforts to replace nonrenewable fuel sources with cleaner energy.

Below is a breakdown of solar capability development and. generation patterns in key U.S. states.


California remains the leading state in regards to solar. generation capability, with just over 20,482 megawatts (MW) since. early 2024, according to the EIA and energy information platform. Cleanview.

That capacity sum is up by 44% given that 2020, and shows. that California's generators continue to construct out tidy. capability at a quick speed.

However, in terms of overall tidy electricity generation,. California has actually lost the top area to Texas, which has greatly. increased both wind and solar output over the previous five years.

Between 2020 and early 2024, Texas enhanced solar generation. capability by 12,579 MW, which is more than twice the capability. gains published by California over the same amount of time.

In regards to overall electrical power generation, California. produced a record 68,816 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electrical energy. from solar assets in 2023, compared to Texas' 31,739 GWh,. according to energy think tank Coal.

Those totals equated to simply over 28% of California's total. electrical power output, and 5.82% of overall electrical energy production in. Texas.

Florida has the 3rd largest solar capacity in the U.S. as. of early 2024, with 9,585 MW, while North Carolina (6,710 MW). and Nevada (4,815 MW) round out the leading 5 solar manufacturers in. terms of generation capacity.

Florida produced 6.76% of its electrical energy from solar farms. in 2023, while North Carolina produced 9.3% and Nevada. generated 26%, Coal data programs.

Jointly, the top 5 solar producers lifted solar. capability by 28,428 MW given that 2020, and account for around 59% of. overall nationwide solar capability, according to the EIA.


Georgia, Arizona, Virginia, Colorado and Ohio have the next. largest solar capacity footprints in the U.S.

Virginia caused the biggest volume of solar capacity. within that second tier group because 2020 (2,433 MW), followed by. Ohio's 2,049 MW.

Those brand-new capacity additions have actually catapulted Ohio from the. 29th largest solar capacity base in 2019 to 10th biggest since. early 2024, EIA data programs.

Ohio also brought on the fourth largest quantity of capability. ( 1,676 MW) nationally within the past year and looks primed to. leap even higher up the capability rankings, once the prepared Oak. Run solar task's 800 MW of further capability is completed.

In regards to the share of electrical energy produced by solar. assets, Arizona ranked top amongst the second-tier producers,. producing around 10% of all electricity from solar sources last. year.

Colorado ranked second with 9%, followed by Virginia. ( 6.56%), Georgia (6.09%) and Ohio (1.32%).


Outside of the top 10, a number of other states are likewise publishing. quick development in solar generation capability.

Utah, New York, New Mexico, Wisconsin and South Carolina are. the next largest states by overall installed solar capability, and. added an average of 900 MW of capacity given that 2020.

Wisconsin alone added 1,407 MW of capacity throughout that. window, which helped solar increase its electricity generation. share from 0.36% in 2020 to 2.35% in 2015.

Utah created nearly 14% of its electricity from solar last. year, while New Mexico sourced 8.2%, New York 5% and South. Carolina 3.3%.

For the United States as a whole, solar energy produced just. under all utility-supplied electrical power in 2023, according to. Ash.

But solar's share of everyday generation can quickly surpass 70%. in key markets such as California, specifically throughout intense,. bright days.

And with overall solar generation capacity climbing up dramatically. throughout the nation, solar power's share of total electricity. generation looks set to scale fresh record highs in 2024. << The opinions expressed here are those of the author, a. columnist .>

(source: Reuters)