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US natgas streams to Freeport LNG in Texas seen at five-month high, LSEG data shows

Gas streaming to Freeport LNG's. export plant in Texas was on track to hit a fivemonth high up on. Friday, LSEG information revealed, with a liquefaction train expected to. return from a quick upset on Thursday.

The startup and shutdown of Freeport and other U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) export plants typically has a significant. impact on international gas costs.

U.S. gas futures at the Henry Hub standard in. Louisiana have skyrocketed by around 59% over the previous 3 weeks,. due in part to the boost in feedgas at Freeport after it. left a failure in late April.

U.S. gas futures were trading at a 16-week high of $2.56 per. million British thermal systems (mmBtu) on Friday.

Gas flows to the 7 huge U.S. LNG export plants rose from. an average of 11.9 billion cubic feet daily (bcfd) in April to. 12.7 bcfd so far in May with the return of Freeport's 2.1-bcfd. plant in Texas.

That compares with a regular monthly record high of 14.7 bcfd in. December.

Every day, LNG feedgas was on track to rise from 12.6. bcfd on Thursday to 13.2 bcfd on Friday with circulations to Freeport. expected to reach 2.1 bcfd on Friday, the most because November. 2023, after a quick one-day reduction to 1.5 bcfd on Thursday.

Gas flows to Freeport average about 2.0 bcfd over the prior. 7 days (May 8-15).

Energy traders stated that quick reduction at Freeport on. Thursday was likely due to the trip of a liquefaction train.

Freeport said Train 2 experienced a trip on Thursday due to. a compressor problem, according to a report the company filed with. Texas environmental regulators.

Authorities at Freeport had no comment on the plant status.

Each of Freeport's 3 liquefaction trains can turn. about 0.7 bcfd of gas into LNG.

One billion cubic feet suffices gas to supply about 5. million U.S. homes for a day.