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Colombia court suspension of Uchuva-2 well threatens energy security, state industry groups

A judgment from a Colombian court that bought the suspension of work at a significant overseas gas well is a hazard to the nation's energy security, market groups the Colombian Petroleum Association (ACP) and Naturgas said on Monday.

In a court order dated Sept. 11, a judge said activities at well Uchuva-2, on the Tayrona block in Colombia's Caribbean, need to stop after the business stopped working to correctly consult a local Native neighborhood about the operation.

We can not enable them to turn the country off with approximate choices, ACP president Frank Pearl stated in a press conference along with Naturgas president Luz Stella Murgas.

The block is owned in between Colombia's bulk state-owned energy company Ecopetrol, which has a 55.6% stake, and Brazil's Petrobras, which is the block operator and holds the remaining 44.4%.

The judgment represents the most recent chapter in Colombia's. long history of stress in between succeeding governments and. Native groups over energy projects, which the neighborhoods. often say infringe on their rights or threaten their way of. life.

(source: Reuters)