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LMEWEEK-Global aluminium market seen closer to stabilize in 2025, Rusal states

The international aluminium market surplus must narrow moving closer to stabilize in 2025 as lower borrowing expenses and Chinese stimulus should improve need, said Rusal, the world's largest aluminium manufacturer outside China.

Russia's Rusal, accountable for 5.5% of worldwide aluminium supply, has been increasing deliveries to China - to compensate for lower sales in Western markets, where demand has actually taken a hit from sanctions imposed on Moscow over war in Ukraine.

Chinese aluminium need development might slow in 2025, but its main market remains in structural deficit, while the market outside China is oversupplied, Rusal stated in written reactions to Reuters' questions ahead of LME Week, an international market gathering in London, which began on Monday.

Rusal anticipates a worldwide aluminium surplus of around 500,000 metric lots in 2024 and in between 200,000-300,000 heaps in 2025.

International primary aluminium production stood at 48.2 million tons in January-August 2024, up 3.2% year on year, International Aluminium Institute information programs.

China is now Rusal's biggest export market.

The LME prohibited shipments of newly-made Russian aluminium, copper and nickel to the LME-registered warehouses from April to comply with U.S. and British sanctions.

Signalling toughening conditions, Rusal's first-half profits fell 4% to $5.7 billion as sales slid 3% to 1.9 million metric heaps while the premium it charges over the LME cost alleviated.

Rusal stated however, it continues to witness a broad approval of its low carbon aluminium from a range of end users and throughout its global client base.

Talks about 2025 sales - which coincide with LME Week - are. continuous and constant with common negotiations cycle, Rusal. stated. It did not provide more information.

As the majority of global manufacturers are profitable at. current costs for the metal, used in the building,. transportation and product packaging sectors, production is rising with. new capability ramp-ups in Indonesia and Russia in addition to resumed. capacity in Latin America, Rusal stated.

Greater output is mostly balanced out by higher end-use demand,. which Rusal expects to rise by 2.5-- 2.7% in 2024 and by 3.5% in. 2025.

Three-month LME aluminium touched $2,659, the. highest because June 6, last week. The metal is up 10% up until now this. year.

(source: Reuters)