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Russia proposes raising extraction tax rates on diamonds, gold, iron ore

Russia's finance ministry on Monday proposed increasing mineral extraction rents from next year on diamond, gold and iron ore mining, changes that could boost tax revenues by 230.5 billion roubles ($ 2.59 billion) from 20252027.

The federal government recently approved tax walkings for business and rich individuals that might add an additional $30 billion to next year's budget revenues and will allow Moscow to further ratchet up costs, including on the dispute in Ukraine, without compromising fiscal stability.

The ministry's most current proposed tax walkings would be balanced out by the abolition of export duties linked to the rouble-dollar exchange rate that were introduced in October 2023.

Increasing the mineral extraction tax alongside a. simultaneous refusal to gather 'exchange-rate' export responsibilities. from Jan. 1, 2025 will not result in reduced company revenues and,. accordingly, to regional budget plan losses on corporation tax,. documents submitted to the State Duma by the financing ministry. showed.

The ministry proposed raising the tax rate for drawing out. diamonds and precious stones to 8.4% from 8%, a yearly increase of. 2.1 billion roubles to the treasury.

Changes to the mineral extraction tax on gold would. bring in 25.5 billion roubles annually, while raising rents on. iron ore mining to 6.7% from 4.8% would add 23.1 billion roubles. each year.

Other proposed changes concern raising extraction rates on. apatite-nepheline, apatite and phosphorite ores, changing coal. premiums and an excise tax on natural gas for ammonia. production.

These measures are aimed having a fairer distribution of. natural rents between service and the state, the submitted. files said.

(source: Reuters)