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Tape low river level in Poland strikes tourism, environment

For Andrzej Stanski, who runs a company that organises cruises on Poland's Vistula river, record low water levels mean he has actually needed to change the routes his boats take.

We're cruising off the route, because occasionally you can simply hit a stone, he informed Reuters. The engines cost quite a. lot and it's about the safety of both the travelers and. ourselves.

After a scorching summer throughout much of eastern Europe, the. water in Poland's longest river is at a fraction of its normal. levels.

In Warsaw the water level was 20 centimetres on Wednesday,. data from Poland's Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. ( IMGW) revealed, listed below a previous record low of 26 cm seen in 2015. and against more normal depths of 105-250 cm.

A hydrologist from Warsaw University, Jaroslaw Suchozebrski,. said Poland was in a state of hydrological dry spell.

We have less and less water at our disposal, which suggests. that water receivers need to approach it a bit more. rationally ... mainly the energy market. Our energy production. is based upon cooling processes utilizing water, he told Reuters.

The second thing is the quality of this water, due to the fact that the. less water streams in the river, the lower the degree of dilution. of pollutants.

Private Radio RMF reported on Wednesday that dozens of dead. fish have been found in southern reaches of the Vistula.

Water levels may rise in coming days as IMGW forecasts heavy. rainfall however this might bring brand-new threats.

... we might have an extremely quick reaction of the river and even. go from a hydrological drought to a flood, Suchozebrski stated.

Other nations in main and eastern Europe including. Hungary are also experiencing sharp reductions in river water. levels, frequently with serious effects for agriculture.

(source: Reuters)