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Brazil's central bank chief says he can not expect future rate cuts

Brazil's central bank chief Roberto Campos Neto said he can not anticipate future interest rate cuts in the nation, after the financial authority previously this month voted to slow the rate of its reducing cycle citing local and worldwide uncertainties.

We need time, tranquility and calm to comprehend how the variables will unfold, he was priced estimate as saying in an interview with regional newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo published on Friday.

He said it was not possible to single out one factor as more worrying for his vote in the next policy choice in June.

Campos Neto kept in mind that a number of things were associated,. including inflation readings and expectations, external outlook,. and the macroeconomic effects of

ravaging floods

in Brazil's southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Policymakers last week

cut rates by 25 basis points

to 10.50% after six decreases twice that size, in a split. choice that saw all 4 board members appointed by President. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva back a bigger cut.

Campos Neto, who led the group sealing the. 25-basis-point result, stated that policmakers debated that the. division might affect markets.

( However) we comprehended that it was important for each to. follow their viewpoint, and that there would be time for the split. to be discussed, he stated.

The reserve bank chief kept in mind that

Brazilian markets lagged

global markets in recent days after Lula replaced the head. of state-run oil company Petrobras with a


lined up with his plans to use the business as a growth. chauffeur.

Will it change into an expectation that fuel prices. will be synthetically low and sustain a cost later, turning it into. a fiscal problem? That we require to see, he stated.

Campos Neto emphasized that the reserve bank focuses on. how Petrobras-related occasions impact risk premium, foreign. currency exchange rate and inflation.