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Italy to provide plan by end of year to restore atomic energy

Italy aims to introduce a draft law by the end of the year enabling the resumption of domestic nuclear power production, Energy Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin informed a parliamentary hearing on Wednesday.

The law - which will require to be authorized by parliament - objectives to create a favourable environment for personal investments likewise through state financial support for the early stages of nuclear tasks in the country, Pichetto stated later on in the day, speaking during a Q&A session in parliament.

Nuclear fission as a source of energy is a controversial topic in Italy, where nuclear-fired power plants are banned following referendums in 1987 and 2011. Those votes were influenced by the Chernobyl catastrophe in the former Soviet Union and then the backlash after the concerns at Fukushima in Japan.

The minister has recently selected a legal expert to study how power stations based on new nuclear technology consisting of little modular reactors (SMRs) and advanced modular reactors ( AMRs), which the federal government thinks could support its green energy transition, could be excused from the ban.

During the parliamentary hearing, Pichetto said that Italy would be able to conserve 17 billion euros ($ 18.6 billion) on the expense of decarbonising the economy by 2050, ought to it consist of at least 11% of nuclear power in its energy mix.

Regardless of the restriction, Italy has actually retained know-how in the sector.

State-controlled utility Enel runs nuclear power stations in Spain and energy major Eni is purchasing a job to develop a nuclear combination reactor in the United States.

(source: Reuters)