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Solar hits above its weight in powering US energy transition: Maguire

Solar farms produced less than 6% of the electricity produced by energies in the United States in 2023, however that yearly share vastly understates the vital role that solar plays in allowing power companies to speed up energy shift efforts.

On a day-to-day basis, solar plants can have such disruptive impact on system electrical power flows that energies have actually been forced to establish abilities to quickly cut output from other sources and store surplus power for later usage.

In turn, that resulting dexterity and emerging ingenuity throughout the energy sector is assisting to accelerate global energy transition efforts by requiring power systems to more efficiently accommodate large swings in tidy power output.

With products of all kinds of renewable resource set to quickly grow, energies that learn to increase the volume of solar energy within generation systems today will be finest put to assist drive the additional development of energy systems in the decades ahead.


No other tidy power source comes close to producing both the opportunities and obstacles that rapidly broadening products of solar energy entail.

Solar's overall share of U.S. power output might currently be small, however it is growing quick, with output broadening by 155%. in between 2018 and 2023, according to the U.S. Energy Info. Administration (EIA.)

That growth rate compares to a 56% growth in wind power. and a 22.4% swell in natural gas-fired output over the very same. duration.

To accommodate growing renewables materials and make good on. dedications to lower power sector emissions, U.S. energies. decreased coal-fired power generation by 41% from 2018 to 2023,. which cut coal's share of the power mix from around 30% to 16%.

But by replacing such a considerable chunk of baseload power. from coal with growing amounts of intermittent renewable. power from solar farms, the U.S. power system has actually become more. unpredictable in addition to more clean over the previous 5 years.


California's power system finest exhibits the volatility. that originates from fast boosts in solar generation.

As the largest solar energy manufacturer in the U.S., California. has actually improved solar power output by 72% from 2018 to 2023, and. relies on solar for around 28% of electrical power products,. according to energy think tank Cinder.

The state also represents around 25% of nationwide. electricity materials created from solar.

However it's a long-lasting obstacle to turn the state's abundant. sunlight into useable electricity without distorting power. markets.

As a growing number of solar plants were connected to California's. grid over the past years, power prices in the state came under. increasing pressure during the middle of the day when solar. output peaks.

A compounding problem is that the peak solar production. period overlaps with what is generally the most affordable period for. system need, so power firms have actually been required to lower power. costs in order to balance system needs till solar output. decreases later on in the day.

The resulting 'Duck Curve' shape of power prices became a. well known phenomenon over the last few years, with the. unexpected distortion to market dynamics caused by surplus solar. power widely lampooned in 2023 by opponents of the energy. shift.

The volume of California's solar output has increased. further up until now in 2024, with solar electrical energy generation. through May 23 running 27% ahead of the very same duration in 2023,. according to LSEG data.

The unequal distribution of this output causes daily. contortions to the state's power generation mix, with solar. power accounting for 0% of power generation before sunrise to. over 70% throughout the sunniest times of day.

And California's power prices continue to come under severe. pressure during peak solar production hours, consistently turning. negative for spells as the market pricing system tries to. lure need and deter production from other sources.


To ease the effect of the system imbalance caused by. runaway solar output, California's energies have released. networks of utility-scale batteries that can take in surplus. power during peak solar production durations, to be released. when the sun decreases.

The battery network is still being built out, however currently. accounts for around 20% of California's system needs throughout the. peak demand duration just after solar output stops and when people. returning from work crank up family electricity demand.

The batteries also minimize the requirement for power imports by. California throughout those peak need durations, which minimizes. local power pressure and assists California become less dependent. on neighbouring states for power materials.

California's battery system likewise functions as a knowing tool for. other power networks who are also battling with the impact of. too much solar supply, prematurely.

And together with broader use of smart energy meters - which. motivate consumers to increase power intake when materials. are most abundant - all U.S. energies are learning key ways to. accommodate fast development in solar output and set themselves up. for additional energy shift progress.

<< The opinions revealed here are those of the author, a. columnist .>