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Colombia's Ecopetrol checking out involvement in offshore wind auction

Colombia's bulk stateowned energy business Ecopetrol is examining its potential direct involvement in the Andean nation's. firstever overseas wind auction, the business stated in a. statement to .

The government of President Gustavo Petro, Colombia's very first. leftist leader, has said it wants to wean the Andean country. from its reliance on fossil fuels while ensuring energy. self-sufficiency.

Bidders in the auction for concessions off the country's. Caribbean coast are required to demonstrate some sort of. partnership agreement with a public or mixed-ownership company -. such as Ecopetrol - in order to be awarded a concession.

But it had not been understood whether Ecopetrol would look for to. get approved for the auction procedure as a bidder itself.

Ecopetrol is carrying out the technical, economic and legal. analyses of its potential involvement in the overseas wind. auction process, the company told in a declaration in. action to questions about its participation.

Potential personal bidders will have the ability to choose from a. range of business with public involvement, energy minister. Andres Camacho informed in December.

Public or mixed-ownership companies that later on sign up with personal. business quotes are not subject to assessment at the certification. phase under the terms of the auction.

A source with understanding of the matter had actually informed that. Ecopetrol was exploring its own credentials.

Public or mixed-ownership business need to certify together with. other services that have technical experience, the company. said.

The certification stage requires Ecopetrol to get involved. jointly with a partner, it said in the declaration.

Ecopetrol is talking with a number of companies relating to. prospective collaborations to establish offshore wind jobs, the. company stated, though it declined to name any services it has. spoken with.

Ecopetrol - the nation's most significant oil manufacturer - is taking. part in a variety of forays into renewable resource, such as green. hydrogen pilots and powering its operations with solar energy.

Offshore wind energy represents an excellent opportunity to. incorporate non-conventional renewable resource into Ecopetrol's. operations, the company stated.

Participating in the offshore wind auction will enable us to. gain access to reliable renewable resource to take advantage of the entry of green. hydrogen jobs and their derivatives, the statement added.

The auction process is being managed by the federal government's. National Hydrocarbons Company