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Brazil heralds Itaipu dam tariff agreement, Paraguay says deal not yet done

Brazil's. federal government revealed on Tuesday a fresh handle Paraguay. concerning tariffs for electrical power produced by their. jointlyowned Itaipu hydroelectric power plant, but Paraguayan. authorities stated some information still required to be settled.

Brazil's Mines and Energy ministry said in a statement that. under the brand-new agreement, starting in 2026, Brazil would no. longer pay Paraguay for additional costs related to the plant, just. its operational costs.

Paraguay, on the other hand, would be allowed to straight sell. excess power from the plant to Brazil and compete in the. Brazilian market with regional generators, which presently charge. lower rates, the ministry said.

Brazil's federal government stated the move likewise would lower average. electricity rates for Brazilian consumers within 36 months.

Paraguay, nevertheless, said a deal was close but not yet. done.

Paraguay and Brazil are using the same team, but. we can not celebrate till the match is over, Paraguayan. Industry Minister Javier Gimenez informed press reporters, comparing the. negotiations to a soccer game.

We're in the 90th minute, really close (to a deal), however. we're being cautious.

In the last couple of months, talks in between the countries had. reached a deadlock over power created by the plant on the. Parana River. It is one of the world's largest hydroelectric. dams.

Brazil, which uses the majority of the electricity produced by. Itaipu, had looked for to lower the tariff while Paraguay proposed. increasing the price of the surplus it sells back to Brazilian. distributors.

The talks were aimed at revising part of a 1973. bilateral treaty governing the power plant, with discussions. likewise including the so-called Annex C that establishes some. financial conditions of the contract.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his. equivalent Santiago Pena of Paraguay have actually met twice to accept. a brand-new tariff and fix the Annex C problem since Pena took. workplace in August.