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Brazil's Gerdau bumps up investment forecast

Brazilian steelmaker Gerdau said on Thursday it expected its tactical. investments to overall 9.2 billion reais ($ 1.68 billion) primarily by. 2027, bumping up a previous price quote that ran up until 2026.

WHY IT is necessary

Gerdau is Brazil's biggest steelmaker. It owns 29. steelmaking plants and 2 iron ore mines, and has operations in. seven nations in the Americas, including the United States,. Mexico, Canada and Argentina.

The company is holding a financier day on Thursday.


Gerdau said in a securities filing that 3.4 billion reais of. its overall tactical CAPEX (capital expenditures) had currently. been invested, while the remaining 5.8 billion were set to be. paid out generally approximately 2027.

The steelmaker estimates the tactical investments that have. not yet been made will have the possible to generate annual. earnings before interest, taxes, devaluation and amortization. ( EBITDA) of 2.8 billion reais.

In October in 2015, Gerdau had anticipated financial investments for. 2024-2026 of 8.6 billion reais, generating prospective core. profits of 3.4 billion reais per year.


The updates to the forecast reflect an upgraded view,. clear of completed projects, Gerdau stated.

It likewise highlighted the incorporation of downstream. jobs in The United States and Canada and a change to forestry. investments due to the idling of the Barao de Cocais and Sete. Lagoas mills.

(source: Reuters)