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Mexico's Pemex will process 1.45 mln bpd of crude oil in 2024, CEO says

Mexican state energy business Pemex will process 1.452 million barrels each day (bpd). of petroleum this year, CEO Octavio Romero stated on Friday, in. upgraded quotes that include the new Olmeca refinery in Dos. Bocas.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has actually sought to achieve. energy self-sufficiency by ending fuel imports and producing. all the gas Mexico requires during his regard to nearly six. years at the end of September.

Romero stated the refinery in the southeastern state of. Tabasco would add 177,000 bpd to Pemex's total processing while. the Deer Park refinery in Texas includes about 271,000 bpd to the 1. million bpd of the six other refineries.

Last week, Pemex authorities said the Olmeca refinery, which. is running behind schedule and over budget plan, would begin. producing diesel this month.

Romero stated on Friday that Pemex will carry out tests in the. Olmeca refinery using a distillate with a high sulfur content. from the Madero refinery in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas. in an attempt to produce ultra-low sulfur diesel, or ULSD.

Today we should start producing the first barrels (of. diesel), Romero said, speaking together with Lopez Obrador at a. interview. Romero included that routine gas would. follow in the coming weeks.

Romero said that at the end of September, the state business. would be importing only 85,000 bpd of refined products - down. from 927,000 bpd at the end of 2018.

Romero also stated Pemex, the world's most economically. strained energy business, would keep paying for financial obligation. This. month, will make payments to providers for 70,000 million pesos. ($ 4.13 billion).

We are aiming to make essential payments to providers so. that in the month of August ... we have actually regularized all that is. due with our providers, he included.