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Brazil's Conab raises soybean output view by 1.16 mln T in spite of floods

Brazilian farmers are expected to reap 147.685 million metric tons of soybeans in the 2023/2024 cycle, 1.16 million heaps more than anticipated in April, as nationwide crop firm Conab modified the size of the location planted with the oilseed on Tuesday.

The upward revision might amaze some, as Brazil's 2nd biggest soy producing state, Rio Grande do Sul, continues to face excess rains and flooding, disrupting farmers before they can finish harvesting all their soybean fields.

Conab did lower Rio Grande do Sul's average yield forecast, to 3,168 kg per hectare from 3,280 kg per hectare last month, noting this was still normal however might change if present. environment hardships persist.

In the May report, Conab increased the size of the area. planted with soybeans countrywide by nearly 500,000 hectares, to. 45.73 million hectares (113 million acres), which could help. balanced out yield and output losses in Rio Grande do Sul.

Conab said in Brazil's southernmost state, yields and. production will still be considerably higher than last year,. when regional farmers dealt with dry spell.

Still, Conab cut Brazil's typical soybean yield price quote to. 3,229 kg per hectare, down 7.9% from the previous season, citing. the currently visible effect of excess rains in the south of. the nation, which is the world's biggest manufacturer and exporter. of soybeans.

In the same report, Conab said the outlook for corn. production in Brazil improved from a month ago.

Conab said nationally, the country will produce 111.636. million tons of corn, more than the 110.964 million heaps. approximated in April however considerably lower than last year's. 131.893 million tons since farmers reduced the overall area. planted with corn this season.

Brazil's second-corn output, which represents a big piece. of nationwide production and is planted after soybeans are harvested. in the same areas, will total 86.155 million tons, 538,000 tons. more than expected last month, Conab said.