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Black guy shot dead by UK cop in 2022 was gunman days before, court informed

A Black man shot dead by a. British police officer in London two years back was the gunman in. a bar shooting days before he was eliminated, it can be. reported after a judge raised reporting restrictions on Tuesday.

Chris Kaba, 24, who was unarmed, died from a single gunshot. to the head in south London on Sept. 5, 2022 after his vehicle,. which had actually been linked to a reported shooting the previous. evening, was stopped by authorities.

Martyn Blake, the Metropolitan Authorities guns officer who. shot him, was cleared on Monday of Kaba's murder after a trial. at London's Old Bailey court.

The occurrence triggered protests and anger from the capital's. Black community which has long experienced unfair and racist. treatment by London's Metropolitan Authorities. An independent 2023. review into the force found it was institutionally racist,. misogynistic and homophobic and not able to police itself.

The Met's head stated on Monday that there was more to do to. build trust with neighborhoods while the force's officers likewise. required support when running in tough circumstances.

The jury that cleared Blake were not informed of Kaba's links to. a criminal gang, his previous convictions and his involvement in. a shooting in London on Aug. 30, 2022.

Kaba, had he not been killed, would have been a defendant. together with 3 other members of a south London-based gang. implicated of the tried murder of a member of a competing gang.

The trio were cleared of attempted murder, though two were. convicted of wounding with intent to cause severe bodily harm. and ownership of a firearm and imprisoned in April.

Jurors were likewise not told that a balaclava was found in. Kaba's pocket after he had been shot dead.

Kaba's mom asked the court for reporting restrictions to. continue, in case Kaba's inquest was heard before a jury, but. that was declined by Judge James Goss on Tuesday.

(source: Reuters)