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ISO New England anticipates 17% electricity consumption increase in next decade

New England's electricity intake is poised to increase by 17% over the next decade, as the area electrifies its transport sector and heating unit, according to a report from its grid operator provided on Wednesday.

The ISO New England's projection took into consideration forecasted economic growth, historic weather condition patterns, the impacts of growing distributed solar adoption, electrical lorries and state carbon objectives. The grid operator supervises the electric system throughout 6 states in New England.

Net yearly energy use in the grid operator's footprint is set to grow by 1.8% each year over the next ten years, it stated in a statement.

This trend marks a turnaround for the ISO New England's. footprint. While yearly energy use in the region grew between. 1995 and 2005, it has actually mostly trended downwards given that, thanks to. a mix of energy-efficient technologies and the growth of. behind-the-meter solar.

The growing variety of EVs on the roadway is expected to account. for 15,182 GWh of energy use in 2033, while energized heating. systems will represent another 7,996 GWh that year.

On the other hand, energy performance efforts are likely to. lower electrical energy consumption by 10,618 GWh this year, and. 11,210 GWh in 2033. Behind-the-meter solar systems will lower. electricity use by another 9,975 GWh in 2033, according to the. grid operator.