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Europe's brand-new energy commissioner handles housing along with fuel

The European Union's recently revealed Energy Commissioner will for the first time have the job of leading an EU housing division as well as handling more common duties, such as seeking to lower fuel prices and implement green policy.

Dan Jorgensen, named on Tuesday by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen as part of her brand-new group, is a previous EU parliamentarian and a climate leader in his native Denmark, which has a track record of linking energy and energy-efficient housing policy.

As commissioner, his challenges include helping to implement the EU's enthusiastic Green Offer to try to keep the bloc on track to minimize carbon emissions. He must also handle the continuous effect on energy of Russia's war on Ukraine.

Europe's energy rates have actually normalised since the extremes of the 2021-2022 energy crisis, but they stay high, making the continent significantly uncompetitive compared to the rest of the world. Germany in specific has experienced the loss of cheap Russian gas that sustained its industry.

An absence of grid interconnections in Germany - the EU's. most significant economy - also means a lot of cheap renewable energy. produced in the north of the country is squandered and can not boost. the south.

A report by previous Italian prime minister and former. European Reserve bank president Mario Draghi provided to von. der Leyen last week included warnings about the continent's. economic future.

At the level of specific people, instead of big. service, Jorgensen will need to resolve that in part as the. Commission's first devoted commissioner for housing, helping. to provide sustainable, budget friendly lodging and resolving. energy poverty, his objective letter revealed on Tuesday states.


He also acquires jobs from previous commissioners seeking. to lower energy expenses.

They include broadening a joint EU buying scheme started last. year by senior Commission executive Maros Sefcovic to assist. member states source alternative natural gas sources and drawing. up a roadmap to end Russian energy imports.

That also suggests accelerating alternative sources of energy. and modernising power grids.

The Commission has taken some procedures to enhance the. allowing procedure, however numerous companies grumble it is still too. cumbersome and has actually delayed quickly charging stations for electrical. vehicles and the development of similar stations for electric and. hydrogen-fuelled trucks.

As Europe looks for to move to greener energy, von der Leyen. also wants Jorgensen to work with environment chief Wopke Hoekstra. to phase out fossil fuel aids, which stay present through. different tax regimes across member states.

Another responsibility most likely to divide viewpoint across the. bloc is Jorgensen's job to speed up the implementation of small. modular atomic power plants that need less cooling water. Numerous. projects have been proposed and released across the continent. but the expenses are high and funding unsure.

Facilities security is another possible headache after. a boost in cyber attacks and sabotage given that Russia's. major invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

(source: Reuters)