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Heavy rains in southern Brazil eliminate nearly 60, over 70 still missing

Heavy rains in Brazil's. southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul today eliminated at. least 55 individuals, regional authorities said on Saturday evening,. while lots remain unaccounted for.

Rio Grande do Sul's civil defense authority said 74 people. were still missing out on and more than 69,000 had been displaced as. storms in the last few days have affected nearly 2 thirds of. the 497 cities in the state, which borders Uruguay and. Argentina.

The local authority said it is now examining whether. another 7 deaths were associated with the storms, after earlier. in the day it had reported an overall of more than 55 deaths.

Floods damaged roads and bridges in a number of areas of the. state. The storm also triggered landslides and the partial. collapse of a dam at a little hydroelectric power plant. A second. dam in the city of Bento Goncalves is also at risk of. collapsing, authorities said.

In Porto Alegre, the capital of Rio Grande do Sul, the. Guaiba lake broke its banks, flooding streets.

Porto Alegre's worldwide airport has suspended all. flights for an indefinite period.

State Guv Eduardo Leite told reporters on Saturday. night that Rio Grande do Sul would require a Marshall Plan to. recover from the storms and its effects, referring to a. prepare for Europe's economic recovery after World War 2.

Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who had. checked out Rio Grande do Sul on Thursday, will take a trip back to the. state on Sunday to follow the rescue efforts, his chief of. interaction Paulo Pimenta said on Saturday.

Lula said on X that his government remains in consistent contact. with state and cities' authorities to support the area with. whatever they require.

Rains are expected in the northern and northeastern areas. of the state till Sunday, however the volume of rainfall has. been decreasing, and ought to be well listed below the peak seen earlier. in the week, according to the state meteorology authority.

Still, rivers water levels should remain high for some days,. Leite stated earlier on Saturday.

Rio Grande do Sul is at a geographical meeting point in between. tropical and polar environments, which has actually produced a weather. pattern with durations of intense rains and others of dry spell.

Regional scientists think the pattern has been magnifying. due to environment modification.