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Poland to ask for EU nod for nuclear reactor financing today

Poland will this week send out a. ask for European Commission approval of a strategy to finance. its first nuclear reactor, a leading energy security official. said on Wednesday.

The Commission is in charge of guaranteeing any state aid given. to companies by member states abides by EU guidelines on reasonable. competitors.

Today I will sign an official demand to the European. Commission, beginning the alert process, Maciej Bando,. deputy environment minister in charge of strategic energy. infrastructure, informed a conference in Warsaw.

To cut dependence on coal, Poland picked Westinghouse Electric. to construct the plant on the Baltic sea coast that is set to cost. some $40 billion, and is now working out the financing structure. with U.S. partners.

The federal government is dealing with legislation that will enable it. to inject 60 billion zloty ($ 15.45 billion) into state-owned. Polskie Elektrownie Jadrowe, which is in charge of overseeing. the constructing the first of the three reactors by 2035.

Bando stated he expects Poland's request for a nod for public. help for the task, which will include a plan for pricing the. electrical energy produced by means of a so-called agreement for difference, to. be cleared by the EU by the middle of next year.

(source: Reuters)