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Brazil's 3R and Enauta to follow Petrobras into Foz do Amazonas expedition

The oil company to be created from the merger of Brazil's 3R Petroleum and Enauta wishes to check out the Foz do Amazonas' basin if staterun company Petrobras finds oil there, its future CEO Decio Oddone informed .

Enauta has rights over an oil block in Foz do Amazonas, considered the most appealing location in Brazil's so-called Equatorial Margin due to geological similarities with close-by Guyana, where Exxon is developing huge fields.

The brand-new firm will wait up until Petrobras has actually acquired permission from environmental agency Ibama to drill a well in a various block likewise in Foz do Amazonas. If it shows to be efficient, the new company will likewise invest there, said Oddone.

If Petrobras has permission and discovers something there, we will follow, stated Oddone on the sidelines of an event in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday.

3R and Enauta reached a deal to merge last Friday, which if completed would produce a business possibly able to produce more than 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent daily.

Oddone said the new firm would look for partners to check out their block in Foz do Amazonas.

You can't drill this thing alone. In this manner we share the risk, he said, including that it could propose a partnership to Petrobras.

Petrobras has been awaiting about a year for Ibama to guideline on an appeal made after the company rejected it a license to drill in Foz do Amazonas due to issues about the effect it could have on the environment and on Native peoples.

Last week Petrobras stated it would not do research studies asked for by Ibama to continue with the licensing process, due to the fact that they thought about the demand unreasonable.

This week, Mines and Energy Minister Alexandre Silveira defended the nation's right to explore Foz do Amazonas, and stated future Petrobras CEO Magda Chambriard holds the same views.

While it waits, Oddone stated the brand-new company will first try to find synergies and after that at establishing their existing assets, but in the future it wants to expand its onshore and offshore portfolios.

Wherever there are opportunities we'll go.