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FranceAgriMer slashes soft wheat export projections after bad crop

FranceAgriMer on Wednesday dramatically lowered its forecast for French soft wheat exports in 2024/25, after a rainhit harvest highly decreased supplies in the European Union's leading grain producer.

In a supply and demand outlook, the office pegged exports outside the 27-member bloc at 4 million metric heaps, below an initial projection of 7.5 million in July and now 61% listed below last season's level.

FranceAgriMer also decreased its forecast for French soft wheat deliveries within the EU this season to 6 million tons from 6.5 million expected in July and 4.5% listed below the 2023/24 volume.

The revisions were generally due to a lower-than-expected harvest amid strong competition from Black Sea countries, Benoit Pietrement, head of FranceAgriMer's grain committee, told reporters.

France's farm ministry on Tuesday lowered its


of the nation's 2024 soft wheat output.

It is now anticipated 27% below in 2015's volume, making it one of the worst harvests in the previous 40 years after months of heavy rain disrupted planting, hindered plant advancement and sustained illness.

The workplace had actually warned in July that its projections were likely to see significant down modifications offered latest signs that the cereal harvest would be worse than previously thought.

French soft wheat stocks at the end of the 2024/25 season were now forecasted at 2.74 million tons, compared to the 3.04 million forecast previously and down 13.5% from last season.

Separately, FranceAgriMer and crop institute Arvalis released their last quality study for this year's wheat harvest. It showed the crop had an average protein content of 11.4% with 41%. above the key level of 11.5%, compared to a five-year average. of 58%, they stated.

In a first 2024/25 outlook for maize, harvesting of. which is getting under way, FranceAgriMer forecast the crop at. 13.4 million heaps, up from 12 million in 2023/24. Meanwhile,. ending stocks would reach 2.62 million heaps, 32% above last. season.

For barley, stocks were now pegged at 1.45 million heaps,. below 1.74 million forecast last month, however still 13.8%. above last season.

(source: Reuters)