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French and Benelux stocks-Factors to see

Below are companyrelated news and stories from France and Benelux which could have an impact on the region's markets or private stocks.


France is at threat of running a considerably larger spending plan deficit than planned this year if extra cost savings are not discovered due to a shortage in tax income, French media reported on Monday, mentioning a letter to lawmakers from the finance minister.

The document showed that the general public sector budget deficit is at risk of reaching 5.6% of financial output this year rather than the 5.1% targeted by France's current caretaker federal government, paper Le Monde and Les Echos reported.


The French Nuclear Security Authority (ASN) has actually given state-owned power giant EDF its authorisation to continue with divergence operations at the Flamanville 3 atomic power plant, a. key step for the start-up of the new-generation plant.

Independently, EDF upped its quote for nuclear power. production this year to a 340-360 terawatt-hours (TWh) variety. from 315-345 TWh.


Jean-Marc Boursier has actually been appointed as brand-new primary monetary. officer of the French care home operator.


The French technology business stated it was on track to. provide on its monetary targets after posting first-half. results, a day after completing the acquistion of Centronic.

VOLTALIA. The french electrical power stations business Voltalia announced on. Monday a new agreement to construct 128-megawatt solar power plant. Pan-European market information:. European Equities speed guide ... ... ... ... FTSE Eurotop 300 index ... ... ... ... ... ... DJ STOXX index ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Top 10 STOXX sectors ... ... ... ...... Top 10 EUROSTOXX sectors ... ... ...... Leading 10 Eurotop 300 sectors ... ... ...... Top 25 European pct gainers ... ... ... ... ... Top 25 European pct losers ... ... ... ... ... Main stock exchange:. Dow Jones ... ... ... Wall Street report ... Nikkei 225 ... ... ... Tokyo report ...... FTSE 100 ... ... ... London report ...... Xetra DAX ... ... ... Frankfurt products ... ... CAC-40 ... ...... Paris items ...... World Indices ... ... ... ... ... ...... Reuters study of world bourse outlook ... ... European Possession Allowance ... ... ... ... ... Reuters News at a look:. Top News ... ... ... Equities ... ... ... Main oil report ...... Main currency report ...

(source: Reuters)