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Nuclear reactor in northern France offline for a month after transformer fire

The Paluel 3 nuclear reactor in northern France went offline on Tuesday after a fire broke out early in the morning at the site's main transformer, which is located outside the nuclear zone, operator EDF stated.

Production at the website in Normandy was stopped automatically, the fire was extinguished with the water collected in a retention facility to avoid environmental impact, and there were no injuries, EDF stated in a declaration.

The 1.3 gigawatt (GW) reactor is anticipated to stay offline for a month, with a preliminary restart date set up for June 30, EDF information showed.

The main transformer lies away from the reactor building and takes the electrical energy generated in the turbine hall and links it to the power grid.

The local government and the French nuclear safety authority ( ASN) were informed of the occasion, the operator stated.

ASN stated that an examination was performed in the early morning hours which a report will be issued in 3 to four weeks.

The good idea is that it is not in a nuclear zone, the bad thing is that a transformer can not be changed like a set of tires, Kpler analyst Emeric de Vigan stated in a post on X, adding that one month was a positive timeline.