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Texas oilfield accident kills one and injures two

On Monday, ProPetro Services conducted fracking at a Permian Resources Corporation well site in Texas. One man died and two other people were injured.

Edward Rodriguez, 45 years old, died when a pressured device ruptured. Two other workers were taken to hospital.

According to a Reeves County Sheriff's Office statement, ProPetro has shut down its fracking operation and turned off the power in the area during a safety inspection.

ProPetro released a statement confirming the incident and stating that the company is working with relevant authorities to determine what caused the incident.

Permian Resources Corp has not responded to a comment request.

The Sheriff's Office Criminal Investigation Division investigators determined that the incident was caused by a pressurized pipe containing approximately 9,000 pounds per sq. inch.

Investigators found a pipe with two valves on both ends that had been disconnected in the incident.

Sheriff's Office did not find any evidence of criminal activity. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is investigating this incident. (Reporting and editing by David Gregorio, Lisa Shumaker, and Georgina McCartney from Houston)

(source: Reuters)