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Solar strikes above its weight in powering US energy transition: Maguire

Solar farms produced less than 6% of the electrical power produced by energies in the United States in 2023, however that annual share greatly downplays the vital function that solar plays in making it possible for power firms to accelerate energy transition efforts.

On a day-to-day basis, solar plants can have such disruptive influence on system electricity streams that utilities have actually been forced to establish capabilities to rapidly cut output from other sources and shop surplus power for later usage.

In turn, that resulting dexterity and emerging ingenuity throughout the energy sector is assisting to accelerate international energy transition efforts by requiring power systems to more effectively accommodate big swings in clean power output.

With materials of all forms of renewable energy set to quickly grow, energies that find out to maximise the volume of solar energy within generation systems today will be best put to assist drive the additional evolution of energy systems in the years ahead.


No other clean source of power comes close to creating both the opportunities and difficulties that rapidly expanding materials of solar energy require.

Solar's overall share of U.S. power output may currently be little, however it is growing quick, with output expanding by 155%. in between 2018 and 2023, according to the U.S. Energy Details. Administration (EIA.)

That growth rate compares to a 56% growth in wind power. and a 22.4% swell in natural gas-fired output over the exact same. period.

To accommodate growing renewables materials and make great on. dedications to lower power sector emissions, U.S. energies. lowered coal-fired power generation by 41% from 2018 to 2023,. which cut coal's share of the power mix from around 30% to 16%.

But by replacing such a substantial piece of baseload power. from coal with growing quantities of intermittent renewable. power from solar farms, the U.S. power system has become more. volatile in addition to more tidy over the past 5 years.


California's power system best exhibits the volatility. that originates from rapid boosts in solar generation.

As the largest solar power manufacturer in the U.S., California. has actually enhanced solar power output by 72% from 2018 to 2023, and. depends on solar for around 28% of electricity materials,. according to energy think tank Coal.

The state likewise represents around 25% of nationwide. electrical energy supplies produced from solar.

But it's an enduring difficulty to turn the state's abundant. sunlight into useable electrical energy without distorting power. markets.

As more and more solar plants were connected to California's. grid over the past years, power prices in the state came under. increasing pressure during the middle of the day when solar. output peaks.

A compounding issue is that the peak solar production. period overlaps with what is traditionally the lowest period for. system need, so power companies have been required to lower power. rates in order to balance system needs up until solar output. declines later on in the day.

The resulting 'Duck Curve' shape of power rates became a. well known phenomenon over the last couple of years, with the. unexpected distortion to market dynamics triggered by surplus solar. power commonly lampooned in 2023 by opponents of the energy. transition.

The volume of California's solar output has actually increased. further so far in 2024, with solar electricity generation. through May 23 running 27% ahead of the very same duration in 2023,. according to LSEG information.

The unequal circulation of this output causes daily. contortions to the state's power generation mix, with solar. power accounting for 0% of power generation before dawn to. over 70% throughout the sunniest times of day.

And California's power prices continue to come under extreme. pressure during peak solar production hours, routinely turning. unfavorable for spells as the marketplace pricing mechanism tries to. lure demand and discourage production from other sources.


To alleviate the effect of the system imbalance brought on by. runaway solar output, California's utilities have actually deployed. networks of utility-scale batteries that can soak up surplus. power during peak solar production periods, to be discharged. when the sun goes down.

The battery network is still being built out, but currently. accounts for around 20% of California's system needs during the. peak need period simply after solar output stops and when people. returning from work crank up home electricity demand.

The batteries also lower the need for power imports by. California during those peak need periods, which minimizes. regional power pressure and helps California become less reliant. on neighbouring states for power materials.

California's battery system likewise functions as a learning tool for. other power networks who are also dealing with the effect of. too much solar supply, too soon.

And in addition to broader usage of wise energy meters - which. encourage customers to increase power usage when materials. are most abundant - all U.S. energies are discovering crucial ways to. accommodate quick growth in solar output and set themselves up. for further energy transition progress.

<< The viewpoints expressed here are those of the author, a. columnist .>